darkoo19 Your account was suspended because of the following reasons: ====================================== Fake Middleman Listings You list fake listings for sale on PlayerUp. Buyers purchase these listings and then you ignore your 3 way conversation tickets. This is strictly prohibited - Standard Rules and Policies | PlayerUp: Worlds Leading Digital Accounts Marketplace. You were warned about this and you continued which caused this account @darkoo19 to be suspended. Instead of resolving the issue, you opted to instead trying to get around your suspension by registering multiple accounts. ====================================== Spamming 7500 Posts were created by you spam bumping. This is a violation of our rules and guidelines - Standard Rules and Policies | PlayerUp: Worlds Leading Digital Accounts Marketplace ====================================== Multiple Accounts PlayerUp have strict policies towards the use of multiple accounts. Minor multiple accounts infractions will result in a standard warning issued to your account or an indefinite suspension. If we believe you're using multiple accounts as a way to exploit other members, your account will be banned - Standard Rules and Policies | PlayerUp: Worlds Leading Digital Accounts Marketplace DarkooStore Darkoo199 Darkoozz Darkoo 19 Darkoo1999 darkoo7657 darkoo9979 Darko19 darkooseller 4b1s 4b1ss ====================================== Reports Users are reporting you that you're scamming them offsite. We will gather up these reports soon and contact those users so you can communicate directly with them. This is also a violation of our rules and guidelines - Standard Rules and Policies | PlayerUp: Worlds Leading Digital Accounts Marketplace ====================================== Hate Infractions You contacted our chat support. Our chat support instructed you what to do and asked you to be patient. Instead of doing that, you spammed them and were extremely negative and rude at them. We're helping you at $0 cost here and if you're going to handle business in this way we won't under any circumstance consider reopening your account and will perma ban you. Consider this the only warning on this matter. If it happens again, you will not be given a 2nd chance - Standard Rules and Policies | PlayerUp: Worlds Leading Digital Accounts Marketplace
Now if you want us to reopen your account. 1. You're going to need to be fully KYC and verified. 2. You'll need to explain why you're violating these policies above and what you will do to prevent these issues in the future. Once we hear back from you on #2, we will consider your appeal and proceed with #1.
I used to create fake middleman lists to boost my Business and i opened mutilple accounts because @darkoo19 was suspended I apologize about that and i wont be doing that again i just want to keep @darkoo19 active and my only account and im ready to complete all KYC and be verified
I received an email saying that my account @darkoo19 is approved but when im logging in its still suspended can u help me out please ?
How exactly are we to consider restoring access to your account when you still are breaking simple rules to follow? Yesterday you once again attempted to open another account @darkoo seller9 This is prohibited. If you aren't going to follow the rules, we can't restore your accounts.
I have buisness to run i told you to that im ready to be verified and complete the KYC why do i need to open new accounts if this one is not restored please just lets go forward with this one
As mentioned, once you're fully ready to follow the rules, we will consider giving you another chance and begin our KYC with you. I keep getting notified by the mods to message you so here I am again. Since my last update: @instagramogu @Darkooooz 2 new accounts were created. How can I help you when you continue to break the rules despite you saying above As soon as you're 100% committed to doing good business on PlayerUp, we can proceed. Be aware we are monitoring the IG section as well so there is no way you can resume business again on PlayerUp until you're fully prepared to follow the rules. In addition to that, these type of listings are prohibited. Why are you listing buy now listings and then posting dont buy here.
Since you have been warned twice about this, I will extend a final notice to you. If any new accounts are created starting today moving forward and rules broken, there will be no option to appeal and your appeal will be denied. We aren't going to waste further time on this if you aren't going to honor your word. The next time you sign in @darkoo19 will show up as banned for rule violations. Follow the rules and we can proceed. Ball is in your court now. Please reply back with your final decision so we can proceed here.
I will follow the rules and i will not open any new account please tell me how i can complete the KYC and be verified and totally ready for that
I have sent a copy of my ID i hope my issue is solved now im ready to do all KYC and cooperate with you guys