Guide - How To Transfer Your YouTube Channel Over To A Buyer

Discussion in 'Guides - Commonly Asked Questions' started by Middleman, 12/29/24.

  1. Middleman

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    This guide explains how a seller can successfully transfer their youtube channel over to their customer (buyer).

    If the seller opted to use PlayerUp Middleman Services to complete this transfer, the seller will need to update their payment information here:


    In order for @Middleman services to proceed with this transfer, the seller can choose from 1 of 2 options to begin the process of delivering this account over to the buyer:

    1. The seller can deliver the gmail account directly to the buyer as instructed above so they can gain full access to the youtube channel, OR

    2. The seller can make us @Middleman and/or the buyer temporarily owner (not primary) of the YouTube Channel by adding [We Will Provide Your An Email Address] to the youtube channel (see video below), we/the buyer will check the account, and then if everything matches as described we'll add the buyer as temporarily owner of the channel. After the buyer is added as a owner, there is a 7 day process to transfer (required by youtube) to switch primary ownership of the channel over to us/the buyer. Once full ownership of the account has been transferred over to the buyer, we will release your funds the buyer made that's currently being held in escrow by us.

    If you have any additional questions, please post in this ticket.