Selling  High End  All Platforms Destiny 2 FULL Collection Account updated ready for season 17 Dungeons

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Jhonblount, 7/6/22.

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  1. Jhonblount

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    Contact me to get images and discuss the price, discord - Jhonblount#9628

    İt is a day 1 account and contains nearly everythnig in game.

    it is ready for New dungeon + raids seaon 17 solar builds and wekk 1 1580+ light lvl all sets.

    -EXOTİC WEAPONS, all exotic weapon are open only seaon 17 exo weapons are progress ,including all exo wepaons + tree class exotic most of them are high stat s in vaul

    including all raid boss drop weapons, ( collective obligation, anarchy, eyes of tomorrow...

    -EXOTİC CATALYSTS, All complated noting is missing only seaon 17 catalysts and they will be completed ASAP !!

    -TRIUMPHS, Nearly all triumphs completed all destnations and all seasons since season one! .

    -SEALS, Has 28 seals and glided seal point most seasons

    -EMOTES, Everybody Loves emotes ! almost all emotes avliable 66 exotic emotes since season 1 most of them very unique !

    -EMBLEMS, Alomst all emblems over 330 including season 1 flawless horse, all dungeon solo flawwless all old raids prestige...anything you want is GOD TİER...

    EQUIPMENTS, Got %70+ off all Ghost Shells , Spawrows and ships since season 1

    İt is just a collection lets see to more usefull tools... go on

    -MODS ALL weapon and armor mods Are Open

    WEAPONS ( LEGENDY GOD ROOLS) Almost all weapon and god roll avaliable and most usefull crafted weapons ready including new raid weapons! Deliverance, palmyra-b ...

    Yes have almost all craftted weapons only season 17 weapons pattern in progres But raid weapons are crafted with enhanced traits!!!

    and also have most adept weapons and time lost weapons

    Have % 75 of all ornaments for exotics weapons since season 1 all unique ornaments and % 80 or all legendry weapos ornaments it is best thing you can find


    ALL OF THEm 1580+ and full masterworked several armor sets they are all set !


    This account is titan main if you love titans it is best HAVE FULL SETS FOR VOİD and CURRENT SOLAR SEASON İT is ready for RAid + new dungeon

    - Ornaments, Have most of the titan ornaments All raid prestige ornaments, season 1-2 İron baner ornament sets

    OVER 750 Titan ornaments! all season uniquie ornamets.. all majectic ornament for all clases and more you got almost everything!



    warlock all ready with statis turret build and well of radiance build. it is just like tittan all nessery exotics are open and all season ornament masterworrks several armor sets.. She Has less ornament than titan but still has 350+ including prestige raid ornament iron baner ornament and season ornament

    FUll complated new campaings and all things open warlock ready for next raid season dungeons..
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  2. Unlimitedsand

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  3. diggikrk

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