US 3x90 Galka Account with Lvl90 whm mule (46% cure pot.)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Character info:
    Rank 10 Galka
    c/w Female Hume White mage account (46% Cure Potency)

    Over 1,000,000 Gil on hand.

    Transfer is available.
    POL keys are available.
    CC info is available.

    90 Thf, War
    88 Pld
    75 Rng
    45+ Drk, Brd, Sam, Dnc, Nin

    90 Whm
    61 Blm
    45+ Rdm

    43 Cooking, 26 Woodworking, 20 Goldsmithing, 28 Clothcraft

    Lots of Merits?.I?ll update list shortly

    White mage mule account fully merited!

    Loads of great atmas.

    Rare/Ex Items:
    Twilight Knife
    Twilight Belt
    Kila +2 x2 Evasion Dagger
    Love Torque
    Raider?s Bonnet +1
    Velow Harness
    Taranis?s Harness
    Rapparee Harness
    Ocelot Gloves
    Assassin?s Armlets
    Hecatomb 5/5
    Shadow Mantle
    Raid. Culottes
    Trotter Boots
    Rajas Ring
    Ulthalam?s Ring
    Brutal Earring
    Thief?s Knife
    Crimson Cuisses
    Aurum Sabotons
    Torero Torque
    Peacock Amulet
    Erebus?s Lance
    Ravangers Cuisses +1
    Ravangers Calligae +1
    Homam 4/5
    ??????+ Many many more items

    White mage Mule Account:
    Surya?s Staff +2 (+22% Cure potency)
    Orisons cap +1
    Nobles Tunic
    Orison Cape
    Tarutaru Sash (Treasure Hunter +1)
    Augurs gloves
    Orison Locket
    Orison Pantaloons +1
    Orison duckbills +2
    Twilight Belt
    Eradico Mitts
    Siegel Sash
    Twilight Cape
    ?????+ Much much more.

    Starting bid for this great account is $300, payment of western union only.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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