Selling  5mil credits farm (you stay AFK, no account transferring)

Discussion in 'Warframe Power Leveling - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pluto9, 9/25/20.

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  1. Pluto9

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    My Location:
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    Mission time ~50min. We stay for 5 round, restart and go 6 rounds. Total amount of credits will be a little bit over 5mil

    You must stay afk and do not move throughout the mission. If you move around this will mess up enemy spawn points and will make our mission much longer.
    You can go full afk, game will throw you automatically in the next round. All you need to do its extract with me after round 5.
    You can add me on discord and I will throw you a message before we extract.

    discord: Pluto9:6929
    #1 Pluto9, 9/25/20
    Last edited: 9/25/20
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