Sold ⚡Spirit Orbs and Bundles ⚡No login needed | Not your regular top up service ⭐

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Spirit Orbs - Buy Sell Trade' started by OctiPuss, 8/21/23.

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  1. OctiPuss

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    My Location:
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    Buy Now
    Safe in-app purchases! Works on any game and device!

    -Hey there guys, stop looking further! Why buy someone else account when you can make your own better!
    -We offer safe solution to purchase the desired packs at a much lower prices!
    -Option to resell on any other platform without restrictions! Any order will be delivered in less than 30 minutes 24/7!
    -All the funds are from reliable sources, no frauds or illegal activity involved! This is a completly safe service different from top up methods! You have complete control over the funds used to purchase after reducing negative or ban risks to 0!

    -Over 150 verified testemonials!
    -Over 200k USD in-app purchases!
    -More than 1000 happy customers!
    -Perfect feedback score!
    -Buyers protection available!
    -50/50 Payment available for bulk orders! ($10.000+ orders only)
    -Credit line for old customers!
    -Always trying to keep the lowest prices possible!
    -# to fix negative gems from scammer sellers! D.M for infos!

    Price list
    ⚡Due to high demand the minimum price except for try-outs for in-game purchases is 100$ ⚡
    585 Orbs - $50 USD
    1.170 Orbs - $100 USD
    1.755 Orbs- $150 USD
    2.340 Orbs - $200 USD
    2.925 Orbs - $220 USD
    5.850 Orbs - $400 USD
    11.700 Orbs - $750 USD
    23.400 Orbs - $1400 USD
    46.800 Orbs - $2600 USD
    93.600 Orbs - $5000 USD
    For bigger packs D.M on Discord!

    Please copy+paste my ID's to avoid impersonators!
    : mobiletopups
    Telegram: Octipuss
    Or PM me here!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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