EU Selling Basic accounts

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Hi, I'm selling Basic stripped EU account on Fenrir atm.All expansions. It will come with 1 main Job 95 and 1 sub job 47of your choice. come with 2 Atmas of your choice(excluding Atma of the Apocalypse)
    Your new account will delivery to you within 1 week from date of purchases(other server rather than fenrir will take much longer aprox.3 weeks).All account will come with original code ,SE Account ID,Password,DoB,Address of your choice.Character name of your choice as well.
    Payment accept:Paypel or Gil
    Price is $175 (covers $30 of Digital download price and cash withdraw fee from paypal) or 12M gil.You will need to pay 50% in front and 50% when account delieverd to you.
    step by step:
    orders(pay 50% of total price or gil)--->fill infor that needed to create a new SE account of your choice--->Create character of your choice--->start lvling--->Account delivery(pay 50% of total price or gil)--->Code delivery(done!)
    PM me for more details if you interested THX!
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