US ☆★☆Hume Female 11x99 jobs almost complete empy Bow tons of goodies ☆★☆

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Account Details~
    Hume F Face - 3 Hair - A
    Transfer is available
    Comes with 500k gil
    Linked to Square enix ID token detached.
    Original owner information available
    CD keys available

    RotZ - Awakening
    CoP - Dawn
    ToAU - Eternal Mercenary
    Assault -
    Altana -
    C.Prophecy - Banishing the Echo
    M.KupoD'etat - M2
    S.Ascension - Enemy of the Empire (II)

    WAR99 MNK20
    WHM99 BLM99
    RDM99 THF99
    PLD21 DRK99
    BST19 BRD30
    RNG99 SAM60
    NIN99 DRG26
    SMN99 BLU03
    COR99 PUP01
    DNC99 SCH51


    Twilight Knife
    Kila +2 (AGI+9 EVA+20)
    Auric Dagger
    Yataghan (DMG+4 Crit DMG+6)
    Yataghan (DMG+7 Crit DMG+6)
    Charis Feather
    Chimeric Fleuret
    Uther's Grip
    Snow Sachet
    Genbu's Shield
    Rapidus Sax
    Warlord's Axe
    Vermeil Bhuj
    Sekka +2 (AGI+9 EVA+20)
    Vision Bow
    Virtus Crossbow
    Fluid Crossbow
    Raider's Boomerang
    Ungur Boomerang

    Charis Tiara +2
    Raider's Bonnet +2
    Orison Cap +2
    Goetia Petasos +2
    Estoqueur's Chappel +1
    Iga Zukin +1
    Navarch's Tricorne +1
    Optical Hat
    Duelist's Chapeau
    Varangian Helm

    Orison Bliaud +2
    Raider's Vest +2
    Iga Ningi +2
    Navarch's Frac +2
    Loki's Kaftan
    Charis Casaque +1
    Caller's Doublet +1
    Ravager's Lorica +1
    Sylvan Caban +1
    Goetia Coat +1
    Estoqueur's Sayon +1
    Taranis's Harness
    Twilight Cloak
    Augur's Jaseran

    Charis Bangles +2
    Iga Tekko +2
    Orison Mitts +1
    Goetia Gloves +1
    Estoqueur's Gantherots +1
    Raider's Armlets +1
    Sylvan Glovelettes +1
    Navarch's Gants +1
    Schutzen Mittens
    Eradico Mitts
    Seiryu's Kote
    Sorcerer's Gloves

    Iga Hakama +2
    Navarch's Culottes +2
    Charis's Tights +2
    Orison Pantaloons +2
    Goetia Chausses +2
    Estoqueur's Fuseau +1
    Raider's Culottes +1
    Navarch's Culottes +1
    Enkidu's Subligar
    Nashira Seraweels

    Raider's Poulaines +2
    Charis Shoes +2
    Orison Duckbills +2
    Goetia Sabots +1
    Sylvan Bottillons +1
    Iga Kyahan +1
    Navarch's Bottes +1
    Suzaku's Sune-Ate
    Goliard Clogs
    Tandava Crackows

    Magoraga Beads
    Love Torque
    Breeze Gorget
    Orison Locket
    Navarch's Choker

    Twilight Belt
    Light Belt
    Swift Belt
    Siegel Sash
    Aquiline Belt
    Impulse Belt
    Hyorin Obi
    Rairin Obi
    Sorcerer's Belt

    Atheling Mantle
    Cavaros Mantle
    Boxer's Mantle
    Nexus Cape
    Twilight Cape
    Iga Dochugappa
    Navarch's Mantle
    Libeccio Mantle
    Terebellum Mantle
    Searing Cape
    Veela Cape

    Strophadic Earring
    Hecate's Earring
    Loquacious Earring
    Brutal Earring
    Moldavite Earring
    Pixie Earring
    Orison Earring

    Epona's Ring
    Adler Ring
    Rajas Ring
    Jalzahn's Ring
    Strendu Ring
    Diamond Ring (INT+3 MND+2)

    Revelatory Juju
    Nashmau Waystone
    Fistule Discharge x12
    Vision Stone x7
    Vision Coin x3
    Vision Jewel x6
    Ardor Jewel x3
    Wieldance Stone x3
    Wieldance Coin x1
    Wieldance Card x1
    Balance Coin x2
    Balance Jewel x6
    Voyage Stone x12
    Voyage Coin x1
    Voyage Jewel x2
    Voyage Card x2
    Shrouded Bijou

    It almost had a 85 empy bow with 6/50 Fistule I will be playing on this account to try to finish the bow.

    There is also tons of unlisted gear and misc on the 6 mules that are on the account.

    Bids start @ $400
    Buyout @ $850
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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